Spring Has Sprung! The Azalea Batch Recipe

If your house is anything like mine, The Masters Tournament at Augusta National is the first real indication of spring in your household. Hearing the theme song play on an April weekend with the windows open, fresh air billowing in, is a feeling I look forward to especially after being stuck in the New Jersey winter. 

As if I needed another reason to throw a party - I decided to finally celebrate this feeling with my friends and family this year. Since I’m now taking this task even more seriously than my bridal shower and wedding planning, I wanted to share some of my Masters themed recipes and tricks so I can share the love with you all too!

The Masters Tournament isn't just an indication of spring in my home - it’s a sign from nature. More than 30 types of azalea plants are at Augusta National - most notably lining the 13th hole of the course. Thus, the hole is proudly named Azalea - and of course, the tournament created a cocktail to match this iconic flower.

For today’s recipe, I want to show you how I’m batching making The Azalea cocktail for my guests:

For 10 Servings:

  • 3 cups vodka

  • 52 oz lemonade (a whole bottle of Simply Lemonade, for reference)

  • 3/4 cup grenadine

  • Ice

  • lemon and maraschino cherry for garnish


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